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Globe Valve Body Designs


GLOBE VALVEThe three primary body designs for globe are Z-body, Y-body, and Angle.

Z-Body design

The simplest design and most common for water applications is the Z-body. The Z-BODY is illustrated in Figure 9. For this body design, the Z-shaped diaphragm or partition across the globular body contains the seat. The horizontal setting of the seat allows the stem and disk to travel at right angles to the pipe axis. The stem passes through the bonnet which is attached to a large opening at the top of the valve body. This provides a symmetrical form that simplifies manufacture, installation, and repair.

Y-Body Design

Figure 10 illustrates a typical Y-body globe valve. This design is a remedy for the high pressure drop inherent in globe VALVE. The seat and stem are angled at approximately 45

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