the discussion about flow direction
A Piston Actuator can be used in a unbalanced trim to counter Bath Tub Stopper effect instead of standard Spring & Diaphragm actuators. However if your liquid is cavitating and valve manufacturer uses a muli Hole anti cavitation cage, the flow to be happen over the plug. They ideally want to flow the liquid from outside the cage to inside allowing liquid streams to bombard each other for killing the high energy. Additionally, if it is flashing, the preferred flow is generally the opposite of that for the cavitation case. Yes, that is the design strategy for most multistage trim; however, for lower levels of cavitation, the trim may be designed to allow cavitation in the interior space without inflicting damage to valve. This is often a less costly design as single or lower number of stages are required. Most severe duty control valve manufacturers have designs for both and select the best trim based on the cavitation coefficient and price.