cast steell globe valves are different from others 2012-05-17
cast steel globe valve is different from a common plunger valve.
globe valves in plumbing 2012-05-16
globe valves in plumbing.Globe valves are used for applications requiring throttling and frequent operation.
globe valves are simple 2012-05-15
the globe valves than gate valves are simple, manufacture and service are more convenient.
globe valve can only be installed in horizontal pipelines 2012-05-14
globe valve can only be installed in horizontal pipelines
globe valve can reduce the flow through the pipe 2012-05-11
This type of valve offers good control to regulate the flow of liquid. Water pipes are often fitted with a globe valve so the operator can control the flow of water through the pipe by opening the val
globe valves are simple on concept 2012-05-10
Globe valves are simple on concept, relatively easy and inexpensive to manufacture and are able to handle a wide variety of liquids and gasses. The body of the valve usually starts out as a casting,
globe valve disk,stem connection,seats and direction of flow 2012-05-08
For low temperature applications, globe and angle valves are ordinarily installed so that pressure is under the disk.