Steam Control Valves 2010-10-15
Does anyone have an idea about activities of Zikesch? Are they a manufacturer or engineering firm?There are many companies like A-T Armaturen, Bomafa, Schroeder, etc who seems to be manufacturers, but
de-gradation of latching solenoids? 2010-10-15
We are thinking of using latching solenoids to divert water in domestic water pipes.
38" triple-offset butterfly valve passing - URGENT 2010-10-15
Greetings!We need urgent help :) 6 pcs of 38" triple-offset butterfly valves are passing (more than 50% of number installed). The valves worked fine for about 12 months.
Triple eccentric seal 2010-10-15
Could please someone tell me how to design laminated ring seal for triple eccentric butterfly valve.
Globe control valve manufactuer 2010-10-14
hi ,everyone i'm looking for a globe valve manufacturerfor genenralservice
Cv for standard Globe Valves 2010-10-14
Hi does anyone know a source for Cv values for standard cast steel globe valves?
Globe Valve body Repair by Welding 2010-10-14
A Globe Valve manufactured as per ASME 16.34 was found to have body casting defects. Excavation has been done to remove defects.About 10% of area of Body got excavated and one of the defects is 40% of
Plug valve vs. butterfly valve for manual balancing 2010-10-14
I had always heard that a plug valve should be used for manually balancing hydronic systems instead of a butterfly valve due to the poor throttling ability of the butterfly valve.