Globe Valve Series

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ESD valve- Hydraulic or Penumatic 2010-10-26
For selection of ESD valve actuator supply, what are factors that decide whether ESD valve shall be hydraulic or pneumatic?
High pressure gas test 2010-10-26
I am new to posting on this forum, but have been reading for a while. Very good page i must say :)Back to the question. We have some gate valves that are going to be ordered.
Dry shaft shaft design 2010-10-26
I am working on a project specs and it asks for butterfly valve with dry shaft design. Media is seawater. As I searched on the web, I saw that mostly concentric btv vendors are naming their product as
Unusual shaped ball 2010-10-26
I'm looking for a source for a ball valve (class 150 flanged, metal body, pTFE seats) with an unusual shaped ball.
Valve maintenence - Service Testing versus Pressure Testing 2010-10-26
When a valve is newly manufactured I can understand why it needs a full pressure test to ensure the integrity of the casting or forging and to proove the pressure containment ability.
proportional valve drift 2010-10-26
HiI'll try to briefly describe my problem: My hydraulic circuit (the pumps are supplying 130 bars of pressure) consists of a closed-center proportional valve that drives a hydraulic motor (which is us
Air Release Valves 2010-10-25
I'm not too familiar with ARV's however I know the basic principle behind how ARV's work.
Butterfly valve linkage calculatulation 2010-10-25
Seems simple but I am looking for some software to help calculate the linkage geometry needed to linearize different size butterfly valves driven by a motorized actuator.
Shanghai MeiYan Yi Pump & Valve Co., Ltd.
MeiYan Yi globe valve Contact MeiYan Yi
Shanghai Enine Pump & Valve Co., Ltd.
Enine globe valve Contact Enine
Shanghai Saitai Pump & Valve CO., Lid.
Saitai globe valve Contact Saitai
Shanghai Fengqi Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
FengQi globe valve Contact FengQi